In 1968, he achieved local fame with the authorship of the short play, "Called To The Bar", produced at the Naparima Bowl, starring Ralph Maraj, and co-directed by George W. McKenzie and James Lee Wah. (This play exploited the humour of the bar-room, years before U.S. television discovered the genre). Mello was also an endearing college master, and exemplified the spirit of Naparima creativity and congeniality. Mello grew up in Retrench, outside San Fernando. He was preceded at Naparima by his late brother Ruthven. He is survived by his wife, (fellow-Naparima teacher Mary), his two daughters, and his elder sister Imogen, (wife of the late Stanley Algoo). Sympathy to all his family and friends. R.I.P. |
- 1894 to 1994 - - 1900 to 2000 -
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