The Olympian & Blue Circle Supplement
The Olympian
Naparima's annual magazine was first published in 1936, under the editorship of master S. Moosai-Maharaj.
"Students and Colleges" - 1936 editorial by S. Moosai-Maharaj
After a hiatus in the war years, the annual was named the Olympian, and re-started by master Ralph Laltoo in 1945.
"1945 Olympian Editorial Committee" - 1945 editorial committee
"1960 Olympian Editorial Committee" - 1960 editorial committee
"1945 Olympian: Grads in Armed Forces" - 1945 Olympian
Throughout the years, it has combined a brief administrative and academic review with class photos, graduation rosters, and the literary efforts of the senior students.
Over the last 50-plus years there have been many excellent issues indeed. We select one at random as an example only, namely the 1974 issue co-edited by students Peter Persad and Robindranath Maharaj of Form 6b.

| In his editorial, Peter (center) writes: "...how can one capture what Naparima really is in the finite confines of an annual magazine? One has to actually live though the spirit and ethos of Naps, or feel this transforming power emanating from the exuberant personalities of our students...."
 | The table of contents include:
- Principal's Remarks
- Address by Justice Noor Hassanali
- List of Graduates
- Proficiency Prizes
- Founders' Day
- Scouting
- The Naparima Digest
- The Spanish Club
- The Geography Club
- The Debating Club
- The Chess Club
- Library Report
- Divali in Trinindad
- Trade Unionism Today
- World Unity
- Science vs Arts
- Visions
- English Class in 6BA
- Football Report
- Cricket Report
- Table Tennis Report
- Volleyball Report
- Class Pictures 1973-74
The Blue Circle Network
a weekly 10-minute broadcast program for students, using the school's public address system, was begun by Mr Lee Wah in 1957, as was a student newspaper The Blue Circle Supplement.
The Blue Circle Network presented its "news, views and interviews" through a succession of "student writers and broadcasters", a number of whom went on to make careers in the field of radio broadcasting. Most notable among these were Sir Trevor McDonald, Bobby Thomas, and Ashton Chambers.  
Mr. Lee Wah and long-term school secretary and librarian Lynette Bramadath (later Ramkerrysingh) working on an early BCS issue in 1957
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