Returning from Christmas holidays in January of 1959, many at Naps were surprised to find this broad paved road going up the hill to the newly-built wings at the top. There used to be a footpath here, going down a much steeper grade, that was evened out in building this road. Pedestrians made and used the footpath, as the original road was longer, following a gradient more kindly for laden animal-drawn carts of an earlier era. From the top, it wound sharply off the left side of the photo, (at a point half-way up this photograph), between missionary houses and the big tree seen left, under graceful samaan trees, and then curved back in a sweeping S-turn over a part of the current playing-field unseen at left, to regain the entrance to Paradise Pastures at the bottom of the hill. Like the quads and pedestrian areas on the hill, it was tidily paved with endearing oil-sand. To the right of the photo, Naparima's Paradise Pastures originally included all of the lands of the Naparima Bowl before it was built - there were no fences or gates then, just downs-trees and grass. |