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Dr. Allan I. McKenzie photo: krm ~ retired, in Trinidad, in 2002.
Dr McKenzie: First Days at Naps video Dr McKenzie: The Naparima Identity video Dr McKenzie: A Unique Community Resource video Dr McKenzie: A Personal Legacy video Dr McKenzie: Past and Future video
Dr. McKenzie was principal of Naps from 1966 to 1995. Always a dynamic, articulate, forward-looking educator, he moulded a "new Naparima" for changing times, while sensitive to traditions and strengths of the past.
Despite his own firm grounding in the Arts and English Literature in particular (as a pupil of Mr Laltoo's), he realized that the times required a new emphasis on the sciences at Naps, which may have been under-appreciated until his tenure. "Mr. Mac" also was very conscious of the value of the physical landscaping and natural beauty of the Naparima campus.
Following his retirement from principalship, Dr McKenzie continued to contribute in a senior capacity to many service clubs, commissions and government committees. He has continued as a business and educational consultant, and as a lecturer in the University of New Brunswick's business programme; as well as "ROYTEC", UWI's Business Programme in Trinidad.
Positive, energetic and resourceful, "Mr Mac" has been a strong leader for his staff and an approachable mentor for students, throughout the years of his long career on Trinidad's educational scene. In 2012, he was a recipient of the Trinidad government's Outstanding Public Service Award in Education.
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