Notes on the Canadian Mission to Trinidad, IV
The Rev. Dr. Kenneth James Grant: Teacher Training

"The training of teachers is not all in theory, for daily they go into the San Fernando Training School on the same premises for practising purposes. Their religious training is both theoretical and practical. From the inception of [the Mission], Bible instruction has been given daily, and this in later years has been carried out more systematically and in the best modern methods by Dr. Coffin.

In connection with their religious education, the students live in residence and are in constant oversight. Hours of study and recreation are specified. They are required to appear cleanly and neatly attired, and to keep their rooms in proper condition. All are expected to practice abstinence from tobacco and strong drink, and to meet as a family for worship every morning.

Every teacher is a Christian worker, and on every Sabbath day, provision is made for using surrounding estates, so that in returning to his own district and his own school he is fitted not only to teach the scripture daily, but to manage his own Sunday School.

In a word, it may be said that no effort is lacking in body, mind, and heart for the great task of training boys and girls, ..., in the several branches that fit for citizenship here and for membership in the Kingdom of God."

- K. J. Grant, My Missionariy Memories, Imperial Publishing Co., Halifax, N.S., 1923.

The Duties of Catechists

Dr. John Morton's Diary: Dec. 1891:
" It is the duty of these men to visit and look after all the Christians in their district; and to encourage the people to send their children to school; to assist the teacher in giving religious instruction at the appointed school hour; to teach adults in the evening; to conduct services on the Sabbath and on one evening in the week; to visit hospitals, and the people in their homes, and hold open-air services.

Friday afternoon, they report to me for the last week, get directions for the next week's work, and receive three hours' special instruction. In the evening, along with the teachers and all who can be got together, they are instructed in the Bible lessons for the week."

(Sarah E. Morton, John Morton of Trinidad, Westminster Company, Toronto, 1916)

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