| "As early as 1883, we were made to feel the need for a school of Secondary Education. I then started a class to instruct my son George in the rudiments of Latin, etc. Mr. Charles Pasea, a recent graduate of Dalhousie, joined this class.
Later, the numbers increased, and, finding parents willing to pay fees, a master was employed. Some of the children of our Mission took advantage of this class, as well as sons of gentlemen from the surrounding country.
"When the school for the training of teachers was opened in 1894, this class was merged into it, first, under Mr. Pasea, then Mr. H.M. Clark, and now, Mr. Smith.
"... in 1899 [the Mission Council] petitioned the council of Queen's Royal College to have our school affiliated with said College.
"Early in this year, the Governor promised aid: first a salary to the Principal; second £100 sterling in the shape of bonuses, these allowances to date from the first day of the new century. The institution is known as Naparima College, as it is in the chief town of the district so named.
"Mr. Allison Cumming, B.A. of Dalhousie, entered upon his duty as Principal in May. Fifty students of several nationalities form the attendance. I devote an hour daily to instruction; half of this time is given to a Bible lesson".